Walk Through

(This Walk through by Charmander)

  • Masara Town, #1: Starting point of game. From Dr. Orchid, you recieve one of three starting Pokemon, Fushigidane, Hitokade, or Zenigame.

  • Tokiwa City, #2: Gym #8 located here. When first going to Tokiwa City, be sure to go into the shop, the attendent there will give you a shopping list, for Dr. Okido. Take it back to him. It will allow you to buy stuff, and get passed the passed out man. Look at the palm tree next to the man who passed out earlier, it will give you a booster shot. After getting tree cutter ability, talk to the fat kid in the closed off place by cutting down the tree. He will give you something nice.

  • Tokiwa Forest, #3: The first place where you challenge a large amount of guys. Look out for available items just sitting there.

  • Sekiei Plateau, #4: Location of the Pokemon League. Accessible only after you have beaten all eight gyms.

  • Nibi City, #5: Location of Gym #1. Above is a large building, a museum. The building on the right is only accessible by cutting down a tree. The man in there will give you a fossil. This museum is also the place to get Putera and another pokemon.

  • Tamamushi City, #6: City with extremely large shopping center. Location of gym four. On the top floor of the shopping center, they have vending machines that sell three types of drinks. There is a girl up there that if you give her one of each drink, she will give you a different Wazamachin. Also in the Slot Machine center there is a man that is standing in front of a poster in the back in a black suit. Fight him and then inspect the poster by pressing A. You will here a *KLUNK* and a stairwell will be opened. This is the Rocket Gang Lair. Here you can get the Shirufu Scope used for seeing the ghosts in the Pokemon Tower. To the left of the large shopping center is a small road with a sleeping monster blocking the way. Use the Pokemon no Fue on him once you get it to get by. Be careful! If you're going for all 150 pokemon, there are only two Kabigons in the game. Save before fighting him so if you mess up, you can reset and try again. Also there is a tree there. Cut down that tree, go up and to the left, and you will see a house. Go into that house and a girl will give you HidenMachin02, which us Teleport. Use it on any flying pokemon. This ability puts up a map and lets you go to any city that had a Poke Center that you went into. For example, if you went to Shion Town and didn't go into the Pokemon Center, that town will not be an option.

  • Otsukimi Mountain, #7: This is a cave that will take you from the outskirts of Nibi City to the outskirts of Haneda City. You can get some items scattered around in there. Out in the Poke Center near the entrance to the cave, a man is inside the there that will sell you Koi King for 500 Yen.

  • Hanada City, #8: Location of Gym #2. At the bottom of the city is a bicycle shop. The man who owns it will give you a bike for free if you give him the exchange ticket. To get the exchange ticket, go to Kuchiba City and go into the house above and to the left of the gym there. Talk to the man in the upper left. He will give you the exchange ticket.

  • Iwa Mountain, #9: A cave you travel through that is completely black. To make it light, use HidenMachin05 on a Pokemon like Pippi or Purin. To get HidenMachin05, there is an area next to the trail that leads to Tokiwa Forest, that is blocked off by trees. Use tree cutter and go into the house and talk to the men inside, they will give you HidenMachin05. There are many guys to face in there, but I know of no items.

  • Yamabuki City, #10: The only way in here is to give the guard who looks at who passes is to give him a drink. Go to the top of the Shopping Center in Tamamushi City and get one of the three drinks (anyone is fine). He will then let you in. Location of Gym #6. There are two sections of the gym, the first section on the left is where you can get one of two monsters, but only one. The monsters you can choose from are Ebiwaraa and Sawamuraa. There is one building where you must beat the Rocket Gang Leader again. By doing that, you now have access now to the second part of the gym where you can get the badge for Gym Boss #6.

  • Shion Town, #11: Location of Pokemon Tower. Nothing of much importance here. Man in bottom right house will rename your Pokemon. To the trail on the left are some challenges and a house that has an underground trail to Tamamushi City (#6). To the trail to the south of Shion Town, are challenges. Go to far south and there is a sleeping monster blocking the way. You need to get the Shirufu Scope to view the ghosts in the Pokemon Tower (Tamamushi City, #6). After beating the Pokemon Tower, the man at the top will give you the Pokemon no Fue (Pokemon Flute). This can be used to wake Gabegon, the sleeping monster blocking the way to the south. This path will now lead you to Sekichiku City (#13). On the way down to Sekichiku City, there is a house, the only one along the way. In here, a man will give you the Sugoi Tsurizao, the Wondrous Fishing Rod. You can catch a variety of Pokemon with this.

  • Kuchiba City, #12: Location of Gym #3. To the immediate left of the entrance to Kuchiba City is a Poke Center. To the left of that is a house, the another. Go into the farthest house to the left. In here, a man will give you the Boro no Tsurizao, the Old Fishing Rod. This can only be used to capture Koi King. To the south of the city is a pier with large Cruise Liner that is docked. On the boat are many challenges in the rooms of people, which also have some items in them. The captain of the boat will give you HidenMachin01, which is TreeCutter. If you have beaten all the guys on the boat and he will not give it to you, make sure you don't have your 20 item limit all the way full. TreeCutter can be used on monsters that when under the Pokemon category on the start menu, will appear as a flower/four-leaf clover. Above and to the left of the gym, there is a house with six people in it, two of which are pokemon. Talk to the man in a black suit and had on the top left of the house, and he will give you the Exchange Ticket.

  • Sekichiku City, #13: Lots of things to get here! Location of Gym #5. Two houses to the south, near the entrance to the city. The one on the left is the house of the Safari Zone director. He will give you HidenMachin04, which is rock push ability. I'm not exactly sure what type of monster it works on, but I know it works on Zenigame, one of the three monsters you can get in the beginning. If you know the type of monster that HidenMachin04 works on, e-mail me. In the same house as the man who gives you HidenMachin04, there is an item blocked by a rock. Use rock push to get the item. In the house next to the Safari Zone director's house, there is a man that will give you the Ii no Turizao (Good Fishing Rod). With this you can catch two different types of water Pokemon. To get HidenMachin03, which is Naminori, the ability to swim on a monsters back, you need to go into the Safari Zone. For 500 Yen, you get 30 normal Monster Balls, and 500 paces to move. For an example of a pace, lightly tap any direction and you will move one square, which is one pace. Don't worry, 500 is a lot. In the way back of the Safari Zone is a house with many statues in front of it. This is the house where you get HidenMachin03. There should only be one man in there, and the inside should look metallic, unlike the other houses in the Safari Zone. Be sure to do the Safari Zone a lot, 500 Yen is great for 30 Monster Balls and there is a large variety of monsters. Be sure to also stock up on Hyper or Super Balls while here (Hyper Balls are the best).

  • Futago Shima, #14: To get here, you need to use the swimming ability given to you by the guy in the Safari Zone (see Sekichiku City, #13). There are some guys to oppose while going there. When you get to the islands, the only thing there are two cave entrances, and only one is accessible, the other is the exit that leads to a trail that goes to Guren Town (#15). Bring some Hyper Balls and Super Balls along because 95% of the monsters you face are new. You can get Hyper and Super Balls in Sekichiku City (#13). To my knowledge, there are no items or people to challenge in the cave.

  • Guren Town, #15: Location of Gym #7. There is also a building there that has many assorted items scattered around in there, with many guys to face, and also many Pokemon not available before, like Doguusu. After beating this gym, go back to Tokiwa City (#2) and beat Gym #8. Guess who the boss is. Hint:You've faced him two times before.

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