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Guide Specification for Duplex Supply & Return Pump System Generator Daytank
The following suggested specification with duplex (2) supply and (1) return pump is typically use in mission critical systems when fuel supply must be maintained and where the main storage tank is on the same level. System comes complete with (2) supply pumps with supply automatic pump alternation and automatic lag supply pump start on low level alarm and a single return pump to drain tank in a high level alarm condition situations.
Provide a ____ gallon single wall rectangular daytank constructed of reinforced 10 gauge steel, with channel side
supports, 1" NPT drains, 4" NPT inspection/emergency vent ports, fuel level gauge, vent cap, and a 2" lockable manual fill cap. Tank
interior shall be epoxy coated and exterior shall be finished in an oil
resistant textured enamel. Daytank shall be per UL 142 specifications as
manufactured by Phillips Pumps LLC, Bridgeport Connecticut.
Tank connections shall include 1" NPT fuel inlet, 1" NPT engine
supply & engine return ports, required vent openings, 2" NPT manual
fill port, and 1" NPT overflow port. The fuel oil supply inlet and engine return ports shall
have extended drop tubes to prevent surging in the daytank.
C. Provide daytank level control probe arranged to monitor the fuel oil level. Probe shall designed for installation in the top of the tank to control hi-level alarm/return pump on, supply pumps off, lead supply pump on low-level alarm/lag supply pump on and critical low-level.
D. Provide (2) fuel oil supply pumps with a capacity of not less than __ GPM @ __ PSIG discharge pressure when operating with diesel fuel. Pumps shall be close coupled to a ___ HP, ____ RPM open drip proof motor. Pumps and motors shall be mounted on tank top and hard piped into tank top. Each supply pump suction shall include a normally closed solenoid valve which will open when that supply pump is engaged.
E. Provide a fuel oil return pump with a capacity of not less than __ GPM @ __ PSIG discharge pressure when operating with diesel fuel. Pump shall be close coupled to a ___ HP, ____ RPM open drip proof motor. Pump and motor shall be mounted on tank top and hard piped into tank top.
F. Rupture basin (open top) shall surround tank with 150% capacity of tank specified. Provide in basin a rupture basin float switch with alarm and pump shut down functions upon detection of oil in the rupture basin. Rupture basin interior and exterior shall be finished in an oil resistant textured gray enamel.
G. Provide pump set
mounted system control cabinet to monitor and control the fuel oil delivery
system in response to daytank demand. Cabinet shall be completely pre-wired,
tested and shipped as an integrated system to insure jobsite reliability and
shall be capable
of operating on _____ volt, _____ phase, 60 HZ electrical service.
Control strategy shall be microprocessor based enclosure shall
be constructed of a minimum of 14 gauge steel, continuously welded and constructed
to NEMA 1 standards. Cabinet interior and exterior shall be primed
and finished in a durable chemical resistant enamel suitable for industrial
environments. PLC shall have sufficient I/O to accomplish all necessary control
functions. The control strategy shall be burned into an EPROM at the
factory, and shall be safeguarded against re-configuration by un-authorized
/ un-qualified personnel. All cabinet front devices shall be identified
by black phenolic labels with engraved white lettering. Cabinet shall
consist of but not be limited to the following:
Microprocessor for pump control
Magnetic motor starters for each pump
Motor circuit breakers
Manual-Off-Auto illuminated
mode selector switch for each pump
Press to test button for all
alarms and indicating lights
Alarm silence / system reset and system test push-buttons
Alarm buzzer
Discrete output for common alarm
to interface with the BMS
System indicating alarms as follows: (1) Power
on light; (1) Daytank high level
(1) Daytank low level alarm; (1) Daytank
critical low level alarm; (1)
Daytank rupture basin leak detected alarm
Operation: As the fuel in the daytank is consumed by the generator and the level drops, the lead supply pump shall engage when the supply pump on float makes on drop. The lead supply pump shall remain engaged until the supply pump off float breaks on rise. The system will automatically alternate the supply pumps upon each successive demand call of the daytank. If a supply pump is removed for service or turn off, the system shall automatically select the opposite supply pump when called to engage per the demands of the daytank.
Low Level Alarm - If the fuel level continues to drop in the daytank while the lead supply pump engaged, the lag supply pump on float will make on drop and the system will engage the lag supply pump. The alarm will sound and the system will display a low level alarm condition.
Critical Low Level Alarm - If the fuel continues to drop in the daytank with the lead and lag supply pump engaged, the critical low level float will make on drop The alarm will sound and the system will display a critical low level alarm condition.
High Level Alarm - If fuel continues to rise in the daytank, the high level float will make on rise. The system will engage the return pump, sound the alarm and display a high level alarm. The return pump will remain engaged until the pump off float makes on drop. and the supply pumps will be locked out until the alarm condition is cleared and the system is reset.
Rupture Basin Leak Detected - If the rupture basin leak sensor located in the day tank's rupture basin detects fuel, the system will sound the alarm and display a daytank rupture basin leak warning. The supply pumps will be locked out until the alarm condition is cleared and the system is reset.
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