VSEI www.vsei.org
Education plays a fundamental role in all development. In India, the role of education is particularly important in this stage of its evolution. VSEI ( Volunteers in Service to Education in India, Inc.) is an organization dedicated to helping development in India by assisting education and making it more relevant. There are many in the world who are much less fortunate than ourselves, who deserve our attention and help. VSEI (Volunteers in Service to Education in India) provides you opportunities and mechanisms for helping such people. VSEI has representatives in different parts of the USA and in Canada. For funding its projects in India, VSEI depends largely on tax-deductible contributions from individuals, groups and institutions. VSEI invites the help of all interested persons in its program of work.
Objectives and Activities of V.S.E.I. VSEI (Volunteers in Service to Education in India, Inc.) is an organization dedicated to helping development in India in the context of education. We work by contacting interested groups & institutions in different parts of India and taking up work on education-related projects. VSEI is nonprofit & non-political. VSEI has 501 (c)(3) income-tax-exempt status; donations to VSEI & membership are income-tax deductible. VSEI was started in late 1968. It is made up of well-wishers of India, including people of Indian origin. VSEI’s primary objectives are to initiate and assist education-related projects of various types in different parts of India. Its programs include different aspects of education -- Children’s education at all levels; Vocational Education & Training; Women’s Education and upliftment; the education of Disabled persons ( blind, hearing impaired, and mentally disabled ); Science Education; Teacher Training; education for removing illiteracy; and education which provides the basis for rural development. Some of the projects promote science and technology in the rural context. The use of computers in education is now an integral part of VSEI’s projects. The VSEI Scholarship Scheme and the VSEI Sponsor-a-Child Plan provide direct help to needy children. Highlights of programs assisted by VSEI during the last few years include an Educational Resource Center project in Bangalore, which includes a program for Teacher-training workshops. Other recent projects include assistance to the education/training of blind persons in Mumbai, vocational training and income-generation programs for HIV/AIDS-affected women in Mumbai, help for hearing-impaired persons in Gujarat, West Bengal, New Delhi, Chennai & Karnataka, and assistance to tsunami-affected schools in two regions of Tamil Nadu, leading to projects in continuation of that work. The description of selected VSEI projects in different parts of India will give you an idea of some of the work that VSEI assists. We invite your inquiries regarding these and other projects, and your ideas regarding how you would like to participate & help. Your interest and support will enable us to continue & extend the work we have been doing.
Volunteers in Service to Education in India, Inc. A nonprofit, tax-exempt organization working to help education in IndiaP.O. Box 713, Hartford, Connecticut 06142 USA
About VSEI
Email us at: vsei@ntplx.net
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